Resources for Patients
I’ve included here some useful links to websites and apps.
Jump to:
- General Information
- 24 Hour Support
- Parenting and Child Development
- Websites for Young People
- Disorder-Specific Information and Resources
- Useful Apps
General Information
Your Health In Mind
This site is produced by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP). The website provides expert information about mental illness, treatments, psychiatrists, and how to get help. It’s written in plain English, based on the best available evidence. It’s especially for Australians and New Zealanders.
Head to Health
An Australian Government website that provides information and links to handpicked Australian digital mental health resources from publicly funded providers. The website covers mental health websites, forums, apps and programs, and phone, chat and email supports. It includes links to phone and webchat contacts that you can use to get immediate support.
Mental Health Association, Queensland (MHAQ)
A practical website with support groups, service directories etc. Features live chat and online support, fact files and “find a support group” services.
SANE Australia
National mental health charity. Runs stigma watch and campaigns for positive change for mental health. Has fact sheets and other multimedia available. Features the “SANE Helpline”. This is not a counselling service, but it does provide confidential information about symptoms, treatments and where to go for support for sufferers and carers.
Open minds
People Supporting People. A local organisation with programs aimed to empower people with mental illness or brain injury in the community. (Lifestyle support) The website lists all of the services available.
24 Hour Support
Lifeline Australia
Lifeline provides round the clock phone support to the public. It also provides a range of other services.
If you should find yourself in crisis please call 13 11 14
Kids Help Line
Offers round the clock phone counselling to Australians aged 5-25. Also offers online counselling services (restricted hours) and email counselling. An online forum is available. Calls from land lines and pay phones are free and will not show up on your phone bill. It differs for mobile phones depending on your service. Call 1800 55 1800
Parenting & Child Development
Raising Children Network
This website provides a wealth of information on normal development and challenges that parents, children and families can face. It includes information on physical and mental health, feeding, sleeping and behaviour across all ages through infancy, childhood and adolescence.
Dr Kristy Goodwin
Dr Goodwin is a psychologist and expert on the digital world, its impact on children and adolescence, providing parents with information and strategies to help their children find healthy and helpful ways for them to use technology.
Dr Kaylene Henderson
Dr Henderson is skilled at translating research-based parenting and child development information into practical tips for parents and educators. She provides a range of resources including online courses, ‘awesome’ advice packs and articles.
Triple P Parenting
The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program is one of the most effective evidence-based parenting programs in the world, backed up by more than 35 years of ongoing research. Triple P gives parents simple and practical strategies to help them build strong, healthy relationships, confidently manage their children’s behavior and prevent problems developing.
Circle of Security
At times all parents feel lost or without a clue about what our child might need from us. Imagine what it might feel like if you were able to make sense of what your child was really asking from you. The Circle of Security® Parenting™ program is based on decades of research about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened.
Bullying No Way!
National anti-bullying campaign promoted in schools. Provides information about dealing with bullying in all its forms. The page is designed for students, parents and teachers.
Mental Health Carers
Websites for Young People
Reach Out
Great website for young people. Topics include mental health difficulties, exam tips, fighting with your parents and bullying. Also includes an online community forum you can participate in.
It’s All Right
This is a youth arm of SANE. It is very user friendly and has basic facts designed for young people and there are a series of stories following characters affected in various ways by mental illness.
The Desk
“thedesk” aims to support Australian tertiary students to achieve mental and physical health and wellbeing. Providing resources online means that more people will be able to get help to improve their wellbeing and be able to study more effectively. thedesk offers free access to online modules, tools, quizzes and advice.
Inspire Foundation
The organisation behind Reach Out. Inspire looks to equip people with the power to lead happier lives. It has some good resources and is very practically orientated.
Provides support and information for 12 to 25 year olds over four core areas of mental health, physical health, work and study support and alcohol and other drug services. Provides information on mental illness, how to find your local headspace centre and links to eheadspace, an online and telephone support service.
Disorder-Specific Information and Resources
Beyond Blue
The national depression initiative. It’s a good first point of call for information and support regarding all forms of depression & anxiety. You can also get involves through BlueVoices, the consumer & carer group.
Black Dog Institute
Good information on mood disorders. There is information on their specialist clinics, current research and education programs. They also hold interactive opportunities including writing competitions, the publishing of books and volunteering.
“dNet” Website focused on Depression. It aims to empower “people like us” to make informed choices & find solutions to deal with the challenges of Depression. Has Message Boards and chat services for 24 hour peer support and care. (NOT a professional counselling service.)
Mood Gym
An online, interactive Cognitive Behaviour Therapy skills program for young people aimed at preventing and coping with depression. Part of the ANU Centre for Mental Health Research.
Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre. This website provides more detailed about the early detection of psychosis and intervention.
Butterfly Foundation
Supports Australian with eating disorders. Butterfly Foundation aims to change culture surrounding eating disorders, their prevention and treatment. Has a good support network.
Useful Apps
Smiling Mind
Smiling Mind on the iTunes App Store
A free, modern mindfulness meditation program with exercises that can help you reduce stress and relax. It provides an easy to follow program that will help with the three C’s, “clarity, calmness and contentment”. The program is based on techniques that have been proven to work and was created by a group of psychologists who know their stuff when it comes to youth psychology.
Talking Anxiety
Learn how to manage anxiety face-to-face with people who’ve “been there” and discovered techniques that work and compliment therapy. Features lots of videos of people sharing their experiences, quizzes, the ability to track your progress and a daily tip that can be sent to your phone. Produced in association with SANE Australia.